LLF Retreat, Day 4: Lesbian Death Riders
LLF Retreat, Day 4: Lesbian Death Riders

LLF Retreat, Day 4: Lesbian Death Riders

Day 4 was unexpectedly relaxing. I slept in a little and accidentally missed breakfast, but the mid-morning snack saved me from hunger-induced Hulk rage. We did three more critiques over the course of the morning. I continue to be amazed by the feedback people give, and how much value I get from hearing it. A lot of what is said in other critique sessions could just as easily apply to my book.

The one sad thing is that I’ve been so focused on critiquing that I haven’t had much time to work on my own writing. The good news is that I only have one critique left to do! I’m hoping that means I can spend tomorrow and Friday revising or working on a story.

After each person’s critique we’ve been playing the game “If My Book Was a T-Shirt…” This is what the Fellows came up with for mine:


In the evening there was a guest lecture by the fantastic Kelley Eskridge. I did not attend because I was distracted by Indian food and wine, but I feel that I should let you know that there is more going on than a bunch of the YA/genre Fellows frolicking around in a creepy unicorn mask (though we did get one of the poetry Fellows to put it on today). Despite not attending the lecture, I did do the pre-reading Kelley left for us, and one piece especially captured the essence of being a writer. You can check it out on her website here. Let me know what you think in the comments!

Day 5 is going to be fun and scary. I have a one-on-one with Malinda in which I’m planning to ask some questions about race in my novel. It could prove awkward as I may have attacked her while wearing a unicorn head earlier this week.


I’m not scared of Malinda, though.  She’s cool. The scary part is that I have to read an excerpt from my novel in front of 50 people and be videotaped. I think I peed a tiny bit just typing that. Trying to dig out two or three pages to read from my 280-page novel is like sifting through a cat box hoping to find a candy bar. We’ll see how it goes.

*Photo/design credits: Dave Ring. Follow him @slickhop on Twitter!


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